Panchayat is a comedy-drama, which captures the journey of an engineering graduate Abhishek, who for lack of a better job option joins as secretary of a panchayat office in a remote village of Uttar Pradesh. Stuck between crazy villagers and a difficult village lifestyle Abhishek starts his job with the sole motivation of getting out of there as soon as possible, for which he even prepares for CAT.
3 Seasons available
Panchayat is a comedy-drama, which captures the journey of an engineering graduate Abhishek, who for lack of a better job option joins as secretary of a panchayat office in a remote village of Uttar Pradesh. Stuck between crazy villagers and a difficult village lifestyle Abhishek starts his job with the sole motivation of getting out […]
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Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta, Chandan Roy, Faisal Malik, Durgesh Kumar, Sanvikaa, Ashok Pathak, Biswapati Sarkar, Sunita Rajwar, Pankaj Jha, Bullu Kumar, Tripti Sahu, Gaurav Singh, Kusum Shastri, Shrikant Verma, Amit Kumar Maurya, Saad Bilgrami, Satish Ray, Aanchal Tiwari, Aasif Khan, Diwakar Dhyani, Kirandeep Kaur, Vishal Yadav, Kalyani Khatri, Abha Sharma, Manoj Saxena, Prateek Pachori, Vishwanath Chatterjee, Vinod Suryawanshi, Kumar Paswan, Deepesh Sumitra Jagdish, Deepak Kumar Mishra, Ashwin Prabhu, Swanand Kirkire, Prajesh Mishra
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